81 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Aerial Scene Understanding in High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery from the Lab to the Wild

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    Diese Arbeit präsentiert die Anwendung von Deep Learning beim Verständnis von Luftszenen, z. B. Luftszenenerkennung, Multi-Label-Objektklassifizierung und semantische Segmentierung. Abgesehen vom Training tiefer Netzwerke unter Laborbedingungen bietet diese Arbeit auch Lernstrategien für praktische Szenarien, z. B. werden Daten ohne Einschränkungen gesammelt oder Annotationen sind knapp

    Deciphering a novel image cipher based on mixed transformed Logistic maps

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    Since John von Neumann suggested utilizing Logistic map as a random number generator in 1947, a great number of encryption schemes based on Logistic map and/or its variants have been proposed. This paper re-evaluates the security of an image cipher based on transformed logistic maps and proves that the image cipher can be deciphered efficiently under two different conditions: 1) two pairs of known plain-images and the corresponding cipher-images with computational complexity of O(218+L)O(2^{18}+L); 2) two pairs of chosen plain-images and the corresponding cipher-images with computational complexity of O(L)O(L), where LL is the number of pixels in the plain-image. In contrast, the required condition in the previous deciphering method is eighty-seven pairs of chosen plain-images and the corresponding cipher-images with computational complexity of O(27+L)O(2^{7}+L). In addition, three other security flaws existing in most Logistic-map-based ciphers are also reported.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Recurrently Exploring Class-wise Attention in A Hybrid Convolutional and Bidirectional LSTM Network for Multi-label Aerial Image Classification

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    Aerial image classification is of great significance in remote sensing community, and many researches have been conducted over the past few years. Among these studies, most of them focus on categorizing an image into one semantic label, while in the real world, an aerial image is often associated with multiple labels, e.g., multiple object-level labels in our case. Besides, a comprehensive picture of present objects in a given high resolution aerial image can provide more in-depth understanding of the studied region. For these reasons, aerial image multi-label classification has been attracting increasing attention. However, one common limitation shared by existing methods in the community is that the co-occurrence relationship of various classes, so called class dependency, is underexplored and leads to an inconsiderate decision. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end network, namely class-wise attention-based convolutional and bidirectional LSTM network (CA-Conv-BiLSTM), for this task. The proposed network consists of three indispensable components: 1) a feature extraction module, 2) a class attention learning layer, and 3) a bidirectional LSTM-based sub-network. Particularly, the feature extraction module is designed for extracting fine-grained semantic feature maps, while the class attention learning layer aims at capturing discriminative class-specific features. As the most important part, the bidirectional LSTM-based sub-network models the underlying class dependency in both directions and produce structured multiple object labels. Experimental results on UCM multi-label dataset and DFC15 multi-label dataset validate the effectiveness of our model quantitatively and qualitatively

    Relation Network for Multi-label Aerial Image Classification

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    Multi-label classification plays a momentous role in perceiving intricate contents of an aerial image and triggers several related studies over the last years. However, most of them deploy few efforts in exploiting label relations, while such dependencies are crucial for making accurate predictions. Although an LSTM layer can be introduced to modeling such label dependencies in a chain propagation manner, the efficiency might be questioned when certain labels are improperly inferred. To address this, we propose a novel aerial image multi-label classification network, attention-aware label relational reasoning network. Particularly, our network consists of three elemental modules: 1) a label-wise feature parcel learning module, 2) an attentional region extraction module, and 3) a label relational inference module. To be more specific, the label-wise feature parcel learning module is designed for extracting high-level label-specific features. The attentional region extraction module aims at localizing discriminative regions in these features and yielding attentional label-specific features. The label relational inference module finally predicts label existences using label relations reasoned from outputs of the previous module. The proposed network is characterized by its capacities of extracting discriminative label-wise features in a proposal-free way and reasoning about label relations naturally and interpretably. In our experiments, we evaluate the proposed model on the UCM multi-label dataset and a newly produced dataset, AID multi-label dataset. Quantitative and qualitative results on these two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our model. To facilitate progress in the multi-label aerial image classification, the AID multi-label dataset will be made publicly available

    Ambient Sound Helps: Audiovisual Crowd Counting in Extreme Conditions

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    Visual crowd counting has been recently studied as a way to enable people counting in crowd scenes from images. Albeit successful, vision-based crowd counting approaches could fail to capture informative features in extreme conditions, e.g., imaging at night and occlusion. In this work, we introduce a novel task of audiovisual crowd counting, in which visual and auditory information are integrated for counting purposes. We collect a large-scale benchmark, named auDiovISual Crowd cOunting (DISCO) dataset, consisting of 1,935 images and the corresponding audio clips, and 170,270 annotated instances. In order to fuse the two modalities, we make use of a linear feature-wise fusion module that carries out an affine transformation on visual and auditory features. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments using the proposed dataset and approach. Experimental results show that introducing auditory information can benefit crowd counting under different illumination, noise, and occlusion conditions. The dataset and code will be released. Code and data have been made availabl

    Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images with Sparse Annotations

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    Training Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for very high resolution images requires a large quantity of high-quality pixel-level annotations, which is extremely labor- and time-consuming to produce. Moreover, professional photo interpreters might have to be involved for guaranteeing the correctness of annotations. To alleviate such a burden, we propose a framework for semantic segmentation of aerial images based on incomplete annotations, where annotators are asked to label a few pixels with easy-to-draw scribbles. To exploit these sparse scribbled annotations, we propose the FEature and Spatial relaTional regulArization (FESTA) method to complement the supervised task with an unsupervised learning signal that accounts for neighbourhood structures both in spatial and feature terms

    Unconstrained Aerial Scene Recognition with Deep Neural Networks and a New Dataset

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    Aerial scene recognition is a fundamental research problem in interpreting high-resolution aerial imagery. Over the past few years, most studies focus on classifying an image into one scene category, while in real-world scenarios, it is more often that a single image contains multiple scenes. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate a more practical yet underexplored task---multi-scene recognition in single images. To this end, we create a large-scale dataset, called MultiScene dataset, composed of 100,000 unconstrained images each with multiple labels from 36 different scenes. Among these images, 14,000 of them are manually interpreted and assigned ground-truth labels, while the remaining images are provided with crowdsourced labels, which are generated from low-cost but noisy OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. By doing so, our dataset allows two branches of studies: 1) developing novel CNNs for multi-scene recognition and 2) learning with noisy labels. We experiment with extensive baseline models on our dataset to offer a benchmark for multi-scene recognition in single images. Aiming to expedite further researches, we will make our dataset and pre-trained models availabl

    Improving Land Cover Classification With a Shift-Invariant Center-Focusing Convolutional Neural Network

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are widely employedin remote sensing community. The CNN-based, also knownas patch-based land cover classification method has gained in-creasing attention. However, this method very often requiresthe aid of post-processing, otherwise it is difficult to obtainaccurate boundaries separating different land cover classes.In this paper, we discuss the reason of this phenomenon andpropose a shift-invariant center-focusing (SICF) network todeliver more accurate boundaries to improve the patch-basedland cover classification. The principle of SICF is calculat-ing the class score from a center-focusing area based on ashift-invariant feature extraction module to calibrate predic-tion. We employ three modern CNNs to build correspond-ing SICF networks, the evaluation results indicate that com-pared with the conventional CNNs, the improvements madeby SICF for delivering accurate boundaries in land cover clas-sification are significant